Today I woke up early to do my niece & friend's make-up for FUTURE music festival that was in Sydney today. Apparently, it was the 'Day Of The Dead-Set Awesome' theme, so people were getting in the spirit and going all fancy, dressing up, doing costumes and their make-up
I created this half-face make-up design and I think their makeup turned out better than I thought it would, it's hard to achieve a sugar skull death face and still look adorable haha
I only used a few products to achieve this look, due to the lovely damn heat I decided to use long-lasting waterproof eyeliner, mostly for the sweat factor and to last all day and night. I do not think the white will last but as long as the actual design does then that's cool 😊 Sydney's 40-degree heat days are nobody's friend.
All products used
"Goth White" Powder Cream Foundation by Manic Panic
Rimmel Exaggerate waterproof eye-liner - blue
Rimmel Scandaleyes waterproof kohl eye pencil - shimmer black
Model Co extension Mascara - black
I used a shimmering black that had all speckles of glitter/shine through it so it was not too harsh on their faces, not a solid black but you could use a solid black if you want more impact.
I didn't get time to take photos of my progress for a tutorial or really any better photos of the make-up but above are the quick sketches I did last night to work off and for the girls to choose from. Their faces are based on the top right sketch, with a few changes 😊
I think to make this work you need a bright colour against the black, that's why I used the blue Rimmel liner, I use this all the time and love the colour. There was talk of doing red and black, which on paper is fine but you don't want red near your eyes as this would make you look tired and both colours will blend in too much, you may look like a dark mess 😊 So if you choose to do this, remember bright and contrast, the more simple the better!
I think to make this work you need a bright colour against the black, that's why I used the blue Rimmel liner, I use this all the time and love the colour. There was talk of doing red and black, which on paper is fine but you don't want red near your eyes as this would make you look tired and both colours will blend in too much, you may look like a dark mess 😊 So if you choose to do this, remember bright and contrast, the more simple the better!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, I think I will sleep in tomorrow morning.. it's what Sundays are for.
Keep being creative!